Can Houseplants Alleviate Stress?

Can houseplants relax you?
What are the most relaxing indoor plants for your home? We certainly preach the benefits of keeping houseplants on hand for a beautiful home, but can houseplants actually reduce stress?
Some articles believe that houseplants can actually reduce stress, because the act of caring for something and watching it grow through your own nurture and care can increase your endorphins and release positive chemicals in your brain. With the boom in online plant shop sales, many people have turned towards plant keeping as a way to keep their minds busy and alleviate some of their stress.
That’s not to say keeping plants indoors is a cure all for anxiety, that would be quite the stretch, but keeping houseplants can certainly have a positive impact on one’s mood and outlook, and slightly improving your mood is one of the many steps you can take to reducing your stress levels.
There are two ways to think of relaxing houseplants for the home - low-maintenance indoor plants and those house plants that may have particular air-purifying or other healing properties.
Here are some houseplants that could reduce your stress levels, by SproutSouth. These opinions are our own, based on our own experience with plant care taking.
Three relaxing and stress relieving houseplants to have on hand :
The Peace Lily
Some houseplants, like the indoor peace lily plant, have been rated by scientists for their ability to remove toxins from the air and keep your home air clean and filtered. These houseplants could certainly be considered to be stress-relieving houseplants, as they reduce toxins in the air and improve the environment for your lungs. SproutSouth carries the peace lily plant at our online plant shop. It is one of the best indoor plants because of its ability to withstand low-light conditions, and these peace lily plants are frequently placed in bathrooms because of their love of humidity.
The Aloe Vera House Plant
The Aloe Vera Plant could be considered a relaxing houseplant to have on hand, as the salve from the leaves can help heal and reduce irritation of minor skin irritation, like sunburn or bug bites. In the case of a sunburn, an aloe vera plant could be considered a very relaxing plant to keep on hand! The Aloe vera house plant is a relatively cheap houseplant to purchase, and is available at SproutSouth’s online plant shop.
Chinese Evergreen Indoor Plant
Another popular indoor plant that is particularly popular online is the chinese silver bay aglaonema. Chinese Evergreen Houseplants make incredibly popular plants. This is a tall, healthy looking plant that has gorgeous light patterns on its leaves. This plant is very peaceful looking, and can easily be a source of respite just by looking at it’s gorgeous stature. The chinese evergreen is an easy plant to grow and care for, as long as it is watered on a weekly schedule and placed in a semi-sunlight window, the plant should flourish.
All in all, keeping houseplants can certainly have a positive impact on one’s mood and outlook, and slightly improving your mood is one of the many steps you can take to reducing your stress levels.
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