Houseplant How-Tos

How To : Care for a Starfish Snake Plant

How To : Care for a Starfish Snake Plant
Starfish snake plant care is straightforward and easy. In our starfish snake plant care guide we’ll go over all the basics of care for indoor plants and best practices. The starfish snake plant comes from the dracaena family, and comes from the family of plants colloquially known as “mother in laws tongue”.  Continue reading

How to: Peperomia Ginny Care

How to: Peperomia Ginny Care
Ginny peperomia care is simple overall, and a peperomia ginny plant can easily be added into an existing houseplant collection without any large changes to plant care routine. The peperomia ginny plant is a vibrant houseplant that has multicolored leaves, and features detailed and lush leaves.  Continue reading

How To: Care for a Hoya Plant

How To: Care for a Hoya Plant
Hoya plants are rewarding plants to care for, and great family long term plants. They are tough yet beautiful plants that tolerate neglect and reward good care.  Hoya plants and Variegated Hoya have thick waxy leaves that are dark in color and some can even resemble heart leaves. Do not cut the long tendrils of your Hoya! That’s where new leaves and flower clusters will form.  Continue reading

Can Houseplants Alleviate Stress?

Can Houseplants Alleviate Stress?
What are the most relaxing indoor plants for your home? We certainly preach the benefits of keeping houseplants on hand for a beautiful home, but can houseplants actually reduce stress? All in all, keeping houseplants can certainly have a positive impact on one’s mood and outlook, and slightly improving your mood is one of the many steps you can take to reducing your stress levels.  Continue reading

Top Four Best Houseplants for Beginner Plant Owners

Top Four Best Houseplants for Beginner Plant Owners
There are plenty of plants that could be considered the best houseplants for beginners, but we hope our list will give you a start into the wonderful world of plant ownership. Plants are highly rewarding to keep around, and some studies have shown that plant ownership can improve your mental wellbeing. At the very least, keeping plants around will beautify your space and improve your air quality. What's not to like! Continue reading

How to : Care for Ferns

How to : Care for Ferns
The lower light requirements of fern plants make them highly desired houseplants for offices, bathrooms, and kitchens because of their upward growing leaves and preferred light and water requirements. Many ferns would benefit from the usage of a humidifier to keep all of their leaves in tip top condition. Continue reading

How to: Care for a Chinese Evergreen Plant

How to: Care for a Chinese Evergreen Plant
You can’t go wrong choosing Chinese evergreen to brighten your living space or office.  They are tough yet beautiful plants that tolerate neglect and reward good care.  Their gorgeous leaves are mesmerizing and expressive.  Their need for attention is minimal, though Chinese evergreens will surely attract your eye! Continue reading

How To: Care for a Coffee Arabica Indoor Plant

How To: Care for a Coffee Arabica Indoor Plant

The Coffee Arabica, is the most common of the coffee plants, accounting for over 60% of the coffee production you and I drink! It is also known as the Arabian coffee plant, the coffee shrub of Arabia, mountain coffee, or just simply, arabica coffee plant. It’s a clever little plant that is known for its waxy feeling bright green leaves. It is well liked as an indoor houseplant primarily because of the novelty of owning a coffee plant, but it functions very well as an indoor houseplant. 

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